Where did we begin?

Customer-centricity is and always has been at the heart of iplicit and its parent company iplicit Group. Having implemented corporate ERP solutions for over 25 years, the experience within the team was unparalleled in the UK. Despite having a very successful business, the founders felt that their success was increasingly down to solving complex solutions, which in-turn meant that all implementations were lengthy and expensive.

Every implementation was ‘from scratch’ and the way in which the service was delivered ensured customers did not benefit from pre-configured modules that had clearly been implemented elsewhere. Yet, technology could now enable a far more rapid implementation and higher levels of self-service at a customer level; systems could be part-built and modules configured at a generic level that could save months in implementation.


The team at iplicit Group  had a desire to provide an equally powerful ERP system, yet at a fraction of the implementation cost, inconvenience and risk that would typically be associated with implementing comprehensive, complex business and accounting systems.

Originally, Rob Steele & Eduardo Loigorri (the founders of Exchequer Software Ltd) were centred upon innovation and customer support.  It was a proposition that was ahead of its time.  Over many years, they won awards for customer satisfaction and for the software they had developed.  Customers became friends and more recently, some 13 years after the founders sold the company, feedback from some of these friends suggested that they were becoming increasingly disenfranchised; as technology moved forward in the marketplace, they felt that their existing system didn’t seem to keep pace.

This resulted in Rob & Eduardo feeling frustrated and disappointed with the direction the product had taken.  It seemed that a once dynamic and innovative product was no longer being championed in the way they had intended.  This frustration was the motivation for the founders and some of the original team to re-enter the Accounting Software market and set about creating a ‘next generation’ system, of which both the founders and future users could again be proud.


It was a natural fit from the start – when the founders of Exchequer and iplicit Group met, both teams were focused on innovation and customer-centricity and felt that many customers, using a variety of legacy systems, were trapped with software that was less than ideal.  Combining their passion for innovation, with a desire to utilise the latest technology to deliver a state-of-the-art service, the newly expanded team set about tailoring a leading edge ERP service to seamlessly migrate existing users of all on-premise legacy finance/business systems to a forward-thinking, cloud-based proposition.

Implementation would be measured in days, not months.  Form creation would take hours, not days.  Reporting would be without limits, in real-time, and the user experience would be second-to-none.

From this combined vision, iplicit was born.

Our Purpose

Customers not hostages

Customers not hostages

At iplicit, we believe that customers should utilise our service because they want to, not because they have to. We don’t lock people in and make it impossible to get out.

Simpler ERP

Simpler ERP

We make accounting and business solutions / ERP systems simpler to implement, operate and integrate.

Single version of the truth

Single version of the truth

Providing one version of the truth with instant reports on anything at the touch of a button.

Solving complex challenges

Solving complex challenges

Our purpose is to cut through the complexity of implementation, report writing and training, and provide easy to use solutions that solve complex problems. ERP should be about timely, management information at your fingertips; without external contractors, IT specialists and a plethora of barriers for the average user.

Game changing code

Game changing code

Our purpose is to write the code that changes the game and makes what was previously rocket science into plug and play.

Our Vision


How It All Works

iplicit’s architecture is quite special; it’s true cloud and only in the browser, but it looks and feels like a desktop application. No layer upon layer of tabs opening and probably the most intuitive navigation that you will find in the marketplace today. Take a look for yourself.